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 To interview Graciela, call Media Relations at (510) 542-9449

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Media Clips / Archive

(use as informational archive only to see the depth & breadth of media topics and interviews; links to media sites often change and break)


Univisión TV interview in Spanish - Investigative piece with Latina military veterans talking about sexual assault (and prevention) in the military, Aquí y Ahora, 26 de julio, 2020 (Graciela's contributions begin at 13:45)

"Women Veterans Honored at LPC,"The Independent, March 16, 2019 with event video recap here

Associated Press story: "Military Veteran Entrepreneurs Celebrate Completion of Startups Program Powered by Bunker Labs/WeWork," January 22, 2019

WeWork Finding Your Mission series, November 11, 2018

Voz de América Veterana de Fuerza Aérea de EE.UU. acerca los veteranos a los escolares, November 12, 2018

Digital Journal "Air Force Veteran turned Entrepreneur Graciela ​Tiscareño Selected as Finalist to Pitch Live at the Inaugural Veteran And Military Spouse Entrepreneurship Freedom Summit June 30th in Rocklin" Jun. 29, 2018

"Employment workshop for women vets," April 4, 2018, Hanford Sentinel  





NEWS RELEASE:  "Military Veteran & Mother of Dual-Sensory Impaired Child to Deliver Keynote at Infant Development Association Conference on Friday at the Westin Pasadena," March 22, 2018 

NEWS RELEASE: "Graciela Tiscareño-Sato, Military Veteran & Award-Winning Author, to Keynote at Austin Area Association for Bilingual Education Conference," 4/22/2017

NEWS RELEASE:  "Military Veteran and Award-winning author of Bilingual Children’s Books will Celebrate April Month of the Military Child with Students at NAS Lemoore Neutra Elementary School April 6th " April 4, 2017

"Dutcher celebrates biliteracy with inspirational speaker," Turlock Journal, April 7, 2017

NEWS RELEASE: Graciela Tiscareño-Sato, Award-Winning Author and Military Veteran, Will Deliver Keynote at Texas Association for Bilingual Education conference

USA Today feature (and print Hispanic Living Magazine too), "Diverse children's books need more visibility," Sept 24, 2016

A teacher at the Phoenix Learning Center at San Marcos High School penned this piece for the San Marcos Daily Record after being so moved by Graciela's presentation.

NBC News feature: "Here Are Some of the 18th Annual Intl Latino Book Awards Winners" Sept 9, 2016

NEWS RELEASE: "Latina Veteran Graciela Tiscareño-Sato Authors Second Bilingual Aviation Children’s Book" July 21, 2016 via Hispanicize Wire

NEWS RELEASE: "Air Force Veteran who Began Military Career in Sacramento Returns for Weekend Women Veterans Alliance UNconference to Unveil NEW Bilingual Children's Book About Military Women," April 14, 2016

"Hofstra honors veterans with memorial service," The Hofstra Chronicle, By Laurel O’Keefe, December 7, 2015

Fox News Latino, December 4th "Latina Veterans proud to finally see all combat jobs open to women"

NEWS RELEASE: "U.S. Air Force Veteran Graciela Tiscareño-Sato to Keynote at Hofstra University in Honor of Diversity Awareness Month: Veterans Day Event November 11th"

NEWS RELEASE: "Graciela Tiscareño-Sato to Keynote in San Antonio at Sixth Annual Dual Language Conference Friday November 6th"

NEWS RELEASE: "Hayward Military Woman Veteran Honored in Event with First Lady Michelle Obama"

NEWS RELEASE (from the Business and Professional Women's Foundation): "BPW Foundation Salutes Five Outstanding Working Women Leaders- Awards Are Part of National Business Women’s Week Celebration," November 2014

"Severance Middle School students learn from local author,"Windsor Now! Sept 2014
NBC News"What July 4th Weekend is to Me," - 2014 - contributed essay
NEWS RELEASE: "Fairchild AFB Veteran and author of Bestselling Children’s Book Good Night Captain Mama Visits Auntie’s Bookstore on July 26th with Aviation Presentation and Book Signing"


NBC News Growing Int'l Latino Book Awards Reflect Booming Market - June 29, 2014

Cal Marching Band Alumni Newsletter North Tunnel Echo "Alumna Graciela Tiscareño-Sato Honored by White House"

Whitworth alumna recognized by White House for military service and entrepreneurship, May 1, 2014

VIDEO Interview on alDia on Estrella TV, Channel 42, San Francisco (Spanish) 

Raising Educational Expectations of Young Latinos, White House blog, March 2014

Honoring Graciela Tiscareno-Sato - text of moving tribute by Congressman Eric Swalwell on the floor of the House of Representatives, 3/26/2014 seen here  

News Release:  March 21, 2014 “Obama Administration Recognizes the Leadership of Latina Veteran and Founder of Multicultural Educational Publishing Company Gracefully Global Group for Her Work to Raise Expectations of Latino Students and Voices of Veterans” - Download our entire press release here as Word doc


"Supermom Graciela Tiscareño-Sato Gets Honored By White House," Latina Madre, March 25, 2014

"White House Honors Hayward Woman," by Rebecca Parr, Daily Review, [also ran in Contra Costa Times, San Jose Mercury News], March 24, 2014

"Capt. Mama challenged Air Force gender barriers," Contra Costa Times, Sept. 22, 2013

NEWS RELEASE, (Sept 2013) First –Ever National Women Veterans Speakers Bureau Launches: Veterans from All Military Branches, Poised for Corporate, Military and Educational Speaking Events
NEWS RELEASE to announce launch of book, (July 3, 2013)  First-Ever Bilingual Children’s Picture Book about why Mommies Wear Military Uniforms Now Available to Celebrate the 4th of July

"Air Force veteran inspires through book, 'Good night Captain Mama,'" NBC Latino, July 5, 2013.

Feature in OC

"Author Interview," by Mayra Calvani for

Audio recording of Author Interview at Condor Musings.

NEWS RELEASE- Announcing partnership with V-WISE (April 2013).

Graciela Tiscareño-Sato presents: Good Night Captain Mama at New Latina.

New Latina Spotlight, April 2013.

Feature article: "Castro Valley Mom Writes Children's Book About Her Air Force Days," Castro Valley Patch.

"Books to Read," The East Harlem Journal, January 1, 2013.

First feature in a national magazine: LatinaStyle Magazine "About the Author."

KWMR Radio, "Barrio Vibes" show with host Gus Conde, July 2012 *interview starts at 87:30 point*.

"Stepping forward and speaking up: A Latina’s call to action," Vision Hispana, July 5, 2012.

"Adelante y levantando la voz: Latina hace un llamado a la acción," Vision Hispana, July 5, 2012.

"Ten Latina-authored books for summer," VOXXI June 2012.

NEWS RELEASE:  "Latina Author Wins Big at NY City International Book Awards, Announces Plans for 1st Children's Book," June 2012.
Latino Literacy Now Announces Winners at the 2012 International Latino Book Awards (Latinnovating is winner in three categories: 1st Place Best Business Book, 1st Place Best Nonfiction eBook, 2nd Place Best Young Adult Nonfiction Book).
Latino Literacy Now Announces Finalists for 2012 International Latino Book Awards (Latinnovating is finalist in three categories).
NEWS RELEASE: Latinnovating by Graciela Tiscareño-Sato Wins 1st Place at Latino Books to Movies Awards, April 27, 2012.

Latino Literacy Now Announces 2012 Latino Books into Movie Award Winners, April 23, 2012.

Profile with Modern Latina, April 23, 2012.

"Kicking off Earth Day 2012," Fox News Latino, 4-part series of stories from Latinnovating, April 2012.

"Bringing Green Jobs Home: Spotlighting Latino Innovation," April 12, 2012.

"Green Power Plays," PODER Magazine, March 2012.

"Tomorrow’s Green Jobs for Latinos," PODER Magazine, March 2012.

"Author highlights Latino 'creative advantage;” La Voz De Anza Community College student newspaper, March 19, 2012.

On KCBS radio with Patti Reising, discussing Green School keynote and book  Segment 1 and Segment 2.

TV Interview on CBS-San Francisco, Feb 2012.

La Voz (Arizona) "La creatividad y cultura latina impulsan la economía "verde", según una experta" Feb 28, 2012.

La Opinión (Los Angeles) "Latinos impulsan la economía 'verde,' " Feb 28, 2012.

Diario Libre (República Dominicana)  "Los latinos crean "trabajo verde" en Estados Unidos," Feb 28.

Latino California "Hispanos impulsan con creatividad la ‘economía verde,’"  Feb 28, 2012.

Noticias MSN "Creatividad y cultura latina impulsan la economía "verde", según experta," Feb 28, 2012. "Latinos impulsan la economía 'verde,' " Feb 28, 2012.

México Informa, "La creatividad y cultura latina impulsan la economía "verde", según una experta," Feb 28, 2012.

"Bay Area Author and Entrepreneur to Headline at Green Schools National Conference,", Feb 27, 2012.

"Tips for Building a Greener Portfolio," Decisive Latino magazine, Winter 2012.

"Sounding Off: Laura Sonderup ¿Cómo se dice “green” en español?" Portada, Oct 21, 2011.

"Hispanic college enrollment surges: College completion still a challenge," Vision Hispana, Sept 3, 2011.

"Incrementa la matrícula de hispanos en el colegio," Vision Hispana, Sept 3, 2011.

"San Francisco marketer shines light on Latino conservation innovators," Hispanic, Sept 2, 2011.

"A Green Moment for Latino Entrepreneurs," U.S. Dept of State interview, Aug 20, 2011.

"The Work of a Lifetime; A Latina’s Call to Action," LatinaStyle Magazine, July/Aug 2011.

CBS TV Interview, KPIX Channel 5 Bay Sunday, July 24, 2011.

"Cautious optimism for Latino Businesses, Entrepreneurs," Northern Colorado Business Report, July 28, 2011.

"Latino Women Need More GRACE," Radio interview, Only3Degrees w/Denai Vaughn, The Networking Queen, July 14, 2011.

"Hispanics Rank High on Digital Divide," The New York Times, June 17, 2011.

"Hispanics Rank High on Digitial Divide," Inspiration Central, June 17, 2011.

"Where Governments Fail, Private Groups Step In to Bridge Digital Divide," The Bay Citizen, June 17, 2011.

"Gracefully Global," (feature article), Latino Leaders Magazine (the Latina issue), April-May 2011.

"NSHMBA Profiles," (author profile), National Society of Hispanic MBAs Magazine, Spring 2011, p.46.

BlogTalk Radio Show with Daniel Gutierrez, March 2, 2011.

"Storyteller Stars from WIN Without Competing! Propelled by Passion", BlogTalk Radio Show with Dr. Arlene Barro, February 23rd, 2011.

LATINA Style Business Series, "Entrepreneur of the Year" honors, May 2010.

"Latino Leadership Summit," Comunidad del Valle TV show on NBC 11. Feb 2010.

"Changing Core Identities," WIN Without Competing! BlogTalk Radio Show with Dr. Arlene Barro, February 5th, 2009.


 media logos where Graciela has been featured